Theme Scripture:

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. Acts 3:6-7


Access is the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter or use. Spirits are immortal beings; are not visible to the physical eyes.

Principle of Access

There is the physical and spiritual realm and beings, spiritual beings where created to function in the spiritual realm while the physical being in the physical realm. However both can function in the opposite realm (spiritual being functioning in physical realm and vise versa) if granted access or authorization.

This means that no spirit can operate through you except you grant it access as seen in our theme scripture and this is applicable to the spirit of God and the devil. You attract spirits by portraying attributes likened to these spirits.

Access by the Holy Spirit

No one was born with the ability to see beyond the natural realm, the Holy Spirit grants believers access to work in the spiritual realm. This was portrayed during the Pentecost. The Apostles experienced fear after Jesus Christ’s death, a common human reaction, facilitated by their lack of power. When the power of God descended on them they were filled with boldness and they gained access to the supernatural power of God for the furtherance of his Kingdom. (Acts 2:1-4)

The death of Jesus and His blood gave us access to the Father through the power of the HolySpirit (Ephesians 2:18). The tearing of the veil from top to bottom at Jesus’s death symbolizes the liberty and access we have been given by Christ (Matt 27:51) This sacrifice has empowered us spiritually.

It is also important to understand that you need to grant access to the HolySpirit in order for Him to work in and through you. Mary the mother of Jesus gave access for the spirit of God to work through her when Angel Gabriel came to inform her of the birth of Christ (Luke 1:26-38).

Granting the Holy Spirit access empowers you to effectively function as an intercessor. You cannot rely on your physical strength to do the work you have been called to do. (John 6:63) In a similar vein, your actions can grant other spirits access to your life; for example, engaging in immoral behavior grants the spirit of immorality a right to operate in your life.

In the place of prayer you can also give access to angels to carry out the supernatural acts of God as was seen in the case of Peter. He was arrested in preparation for his execution, but prayer was made ceaselessly by the church for him, granting the angel access to the prison for his release. (Acts 12:5-9)

You can also deny the kingdom of darkness access or authorization as you have been given the authority.


As an intercessor, you must intercede with the knowledge of the authority and access you have been granted by the Holy Spirit. As intercessor is to continuously give the Holy Spirit access to operate through you and to give angels access to operate in areas dominated by demons and the works of the devil, in hospitals, workplaces, homes, etc. for deliverance and the furtherance of the gospel.

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